A Guide to Full-Ride Scholarships

Universities and colleges offer full-ride scholarships to student-athletes to finance their education and cover other related expenses. Coaches and institutions award these highly sought-after scholarships based on various criteria, including athletic and academic prowess, leadership ability, and community involvement. Those interested in securing full-ride scholarships must familiarize themselves with the application process and meet specific requirements.

Full-ride scholarships come in various types, such as academic, leadership, government, and athletic scholarships. In the United States, Division 1 sports, also known as head-count sports (including FBS football, volleyball, gymnastics, and tennis), offer these scholarship opportunities. They typically cover a student’s education for four years, except when a coach may retract it for valid reasons. As such, recipients must maintain high standards of behavior and performance throughout this period to ensure they can continue receiving their scholarship’s full benefits.

Originally published at https://romanmeyerhans.weebly.com/ on September 19, 2023