About Roman Meyerhans

Senior Financial Advisor in Miami, Florida

Over the course of a career that has spanned more than two decades, Miami’s Roman Meyerhans has held a string of leadership positions with the top global financial services firms Lehman Brothers, Barclays Wealth, and Deutsche Bank. Working with Lehman Brothers’ wealthiest clients and family offices around the globe, he generated over $200 million in alternative assets. While at Barclays Wealth, he acquired one of the largest initial public offerings in Latin America as an investment banking client. Meanwhile, Roman Meyerhans’ work with Deutsche Bank garnered him accolades as one of the organization’s best investment banking advisors.

Since 2016, Roman Meyerhans has been a managing director with Alex. Brown, a division of Raymond James. Working out of branch offices in Miami, he advises and manages the investment assets of more than 750 high-net-worth families, family offices, and hedge funds in the United States, Latin America, and Europe. The Financial Times included Mr. Meyerhans on its list of the world’s best financial advisors in 2017.